Saturday, October 1, 2011

Comets Fur Students (September)

September 11: Once Upon a Time-blog by Gracie
This brilliant girl's blog is for book-lovers. She has different sections where viewers can pick the ugliest book cover of the month, discuss a book (chosen each month also), or give suggestions for books he/she liked.

My Comment(E-mail to the author) : Hi, my name is Jenna, and I am a student at the University of South Alabama and in a course called EDM 310 (my blog- that focuses on technology teachers should be using in a classroom. Thus, blogging and commenting on other teachers' and students' blogs like yours! I really REALLY like the idea behind your blog. The layout is extremely creative (I couldn't come up with something that innovative!), and I really like the titles for the different sections of the blog. Coming from a college student that would rather spend my (limited) money on books than food, this idea is brilliant. I am always looking for people I can talk to about books or ideas of new books to read, but time after time I end up doing the recommending and loaning of books. It is very well directed and age-appropriate for junior high to high school students. I also liked your suggestion of Is this where you got the idea from or on your own? Either way, I think what you've created is great and you are most definitely doing a great job! Keep it up.

September 18: I responded to the student Gracie about her post Where I Would Like to Visit. She chose Paris because she loves fashion and wants to see the city from the top of the Eiffel Tower. I commented that one of my best friends went to Paris last summer and absolutely loved it. I also heard that the food is very good there and there is a lot of history in the city, which I would think is the most interesting part.

September 25: I watched the teacher's video of each student in his class responding to the question "what makes me different" from everyone else and "why I am the same." My assignment, Kayleigh, said she was the same because she was respectful and different because she was normal. I agreed with her that being "normal" definitely would make someone different. I also told her it was very good to be respectful.

October 2: Link
The student, Zechariah, responded to the question "Where I would love to visit and why?" with Hong Kong and South Africa. He thought he would like to visit the temples and try to speak their language.

My Comment: Hi! I am a student at a university in Alabama, USA, in a class for future teachers, where we have to make a blog just like yours!

Those are both places that I never have thought of visiting. However, after reading your reasons, I think they would be kind of fun too! The only temple I have seen from Hong Kong was on a shirt my friend bought for me when she went there for vacation. Also, I did not know that South Africa is supposed to be like New Zealand. That would be exciting!

1 comment:

  1. The food is great in Paris!

    You obviously find C4K fun and interesting. Extras! I know from the comments of the teachers that they find your comments useful and the kids love getting them. Writing for a real audience is important!

    Well done. Thanks.
